About Mongolian Research Laboratory


The Mongolian Research Laboratory is created to enterprise, carry on and coordinate research, educational, public projects and expertise, concerning various aspects of Mongolia, Mongolian and related communities across the borders. The laboratory also aims to bring cross-cultural introduction and development of cooperative relations between Mongolia and Estonia.

Interests of the Laboratory focus on the Inner Asia and post-socialist Central Asian regions, cultures, societies, specifics of the economic and political development, cross-cultural and geopolitical relations, ongoing processes and situations, which influence local and global communities.

Mongolia provides rich and diverse examples valuable for various research fields – multiculturalism, specific traditions of Buddhism, Shamanism and eco-cosmologies; contemporary nomadism; post-socialist development; imperial, postcolonial and national ideologies; democracy and politics of balances; strategies of dealing with local and global disasters and many other fields. Mongolia and Mongolian communities represent important subjects in ongoing the region's processes, cultural, political, and economic. Research and cooperation in this field provide possibilities to understand better the grounds, perspectives and risks in a larger scale of contemporary Asian-European relations.

The laboratory plans to conduct research concerning various topics of Mongolian cultures and societies and organise joint Estonian-Mongolian events and educational courses for researchers and students of different levels. The events of the Laboratory include the Mongolian Studies conference, organising Estonian days at the National University of Mongolia, and the Mongolian Film Festival in Estonia.

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